Our Safeguarding Team

Here at Dashwood academy, we take Safeguarding very seriously.  We are committed to supporting children and their families to ensure the best outcomes for our pupils.  Although it is everyone’s responsibility to report safeguarding concerns, we have a team of staff responsible for overseeing Safeguarding at school, shown below.  If you have a concern about a child, please contact the school and ask to speak to a Designated Safeguarding Lead.  Safeguarding reports are confidential, but we may need to seek advice from other agencies with your consent.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Team

After school club DSL staff:

Leema Galloway
Leah Jakeman

Our safeguarding policy can be found on the policies page of the website.


We have a broad curriculum with safeguarding at its foundation.  We encourage welfare and safeguarding in lessons, assemblies and workshops.  We are a proud member of a Safeguarding Children in Banbury group to ensure that children across Banbury receive education in issues relevant to our town.

Early Help

At Dashwood, we understand that there are times when children and families need support.  At school, we are able to offer additional support in the form of community early help.  This would involve meeting with our Welfare & Inclusion Manager, Katy Bennett, to discuss the Strengths and Needs of a child’s life and work together to form a plan to support your family.  Please contact the office if you would like to make an appointment to see Katy.

Useful contacts and websites

NSPCC – www.nspcc.org.uk/what-you-can-do/report-abuse/

Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board – www.oscb.org.uk

Let’s talk about it – www.ltai.info/

Prevent – www.preventtragedies.co.uk/

Prevent for Schools – www.preventforschools.org/

Safeguarding Children and Young People – www.gov.uk/government/publications/safeguarding-children-and-young-people/

Adult & Children Social Care Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) – 0845 050 7666

Police – 101

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