We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 4 in and out of the classroom and for useful information for Chestnut and Oak classes.

Learning all about Mould, Maths … and Macbeth

Year 6 have been investigating the best conditions to grow mould in science. We set up the experiment and tracked mould growth over time in three different test conditions before compiling our results into a graph and drawing conclusions based on what we found.

Year 6 have also been learning about Shakespeare and the play of Macbeth. They have enjoyed learning about the characters, their motives and actions as well as considering who the real villains were. As part of this unit we also did some acting of a scene from the play and wrote our own descriptive passages based on the same scene.

In maths, we have continued to practice our arithmetic skills whilst learning about shapes, angles, area and perimeter. We’ve also had some great career day link opportunities to find out about roles within the NHS, the aviation industry and a visit from a scientist.

Model of Microorganisms

Where next

Term 3

We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 3…

Term 3

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