English: Phonics and SPAG
Phonics and SPAG: Intent, implementation and Impact
A strong phonics basis enables us to ensure our children flourish as readers and therefore develop socially, emotionally, intellectually and culturally. At Dashwood Banbury Academy we believe phonics is the roots for reading that help our children grow into confident readers with reading for pleasure at the very heart of our reading curriculum. We know that a strong SPAG knowledge gives children the basis for all writing and supports them in all areas of life. Therefore our 3 whole school threads are:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of SPAG through varied and frequent practice of increasingly complex nature, so that children are able to apply knowledge effectively.
- To communicate effectively and cohesively with others through written form (reading and writing).
- To understand the impact SPAG has on their lives and to see it as a purposeful and vital life skill.
At Dashwood, our phonics, spelling and grammar curriculum engages and challenges pupils to equip them with knowledge and skills to apply to all other aspects of the curriculum. Phonics spelling and grammar will be implemented through the focuses of:
Early years and Key stage 1 have daily phonics sessions using the Read Write Inc scheme. Set 1 and 2 sounds are taught in the Early years and then children progress to learning set 3 sounds during Key stage 1. Children are taught both as a class, in the first instance, and then grouped according to ability. All phonics is linked to early reading and developing the children’s ability to read.
- Where needed, phonics is taught in Lower key stage 2 daily as small intervention groups for those children who need more support.
- Pupils have regular guided and whole class reading sessions with an adult and we ensure the pupils are regularly practising and applying their phonics knowledge. In the EYFS and Year 1 the continuous provision matches the pupil’s current knowledge and understanding whilst ensuring the children are suitably
- The children have reading books which they are encouraged to read regularly at home which match their current phonics level.
Once children are established in their phonics they begin learning spelling patterns and rules to support them in their spelling. Spelling rules are linked to their writing and embedded by being part of daily shared writing and Talk for Writing sessions.
- Children will also spend time learning about grammar rules and conventions. Once again to ensure children understand the context of any concept taught these are interwoven into their writing after being introduced.
- Children enjoy and have confidence in their phonics learning.
- They will be able to confidently use their phonics, spelling and grammar skills to support them in reading and writing.
- Phonics screening tests will take place in EYFS (internally) and in Year 1, retakes in year 2.
- PiXL reading assessments will be used in October/February and June.
- Children will leave Dashwood confident readers and writers that can transfer their knowledge and skills into many areas of learning and life.