Important information for parents

If your child is unable to come to school for any reason please notify us by 9.00 am on the day of the absence by written note, email or a telephone call: 01295 263240. Please do not send verbal messages with other children as these cannot be accepted.  If we do not hear from you by 9.30 am we will telephone you.

At Dashwood Banbury Academy we want all our pupils to achieve success. Good attendance is key to this.
Absence from school chart
What can you do to help?

  • Make sure your child is in school by 8.50am latest. Please do not leave children unattended before 8.45am for safeguarding purposes.
  • If your child is absent, you need to contact the Academy Reception before 9.00am on 01295 263240, giving the reason for absence. You must call in every day that your child is absent. In some cases we will require medical evidence for prolonged absences.
  • Do not let your child have ‘just one day off’ as these quickly add up.
  • Please arrange dental/doctor’s appointments out of school hours.
  • On 1 September 2013, a law took effect which does not allow parents to take children out of school for holidays during term time. Any request for absence during term time for exceptional circumstances must be put in writing to the Principal, who will decide whether the time will be authorised or not. Persistent absences for holidays may result in a Fixed Penalty Fine.
  • If there is a problem that is causing your child to miss school, please do not hesitate to contact the academy as we may be able to help.

See Oxfordshire County Council website for guidance on lateness, authorised and unauthorised absence at school and penalties for unauthorised absences: Lateness, authorised and unauthorised absence at school

When your child arrives late at school, he/she misses the teacher’s instructions at the start of the day, the routine that the rest of the class are in and valuable learning and intervention time.  Your child may also feel embarrassed having to enter the classroom late.

Minutes late per day during the school yearEquals days’ worth of teaching lost in a year
5 Minutes3.4 Days
10 Minutes6.9 Days
15 Minutes10.3 Days
20 Minutes13.8 Days
30 Minutes20.7 Days

It is very important that good examples are set and that excellent attendance and punctuality are expected.  Frequent lateness and absence can seriously disadvantage your child.

See our Policies page for our Attendance Policy

Where next


Policies and other information related to the academy This section gives access to information about policies that relate to the academy in general. For further…


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