We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 5 in and out of the classroom and for useful information for Beech and Sycamore classes.

Year 5 have been putting the finishing touches to their DT projects and it’s been wonderful to see all the children’s hard work coming together!

We have continued learning about the roles men, women and children played in World War 1 and the impact this had on the war effort and on our lives today. We have been using this knowledge in our literacy sessions to write a story set in the trenches. We have been working hard on setting an appropriate atmosphere as well as using speech punctuation.

In maths, Year 5 have been working on decimals. They have been applying their prior knowledge to find equivalent decimals and fractions.

Year 5 have been very engaged in our new topic of WW1 – so far we have learnt why the war started and put the key events into a timeline. Alongside this, we have been working on our DT project – creating a WW1 style wheeled field gun.

So far the children have measured out and cut their wood and drilled the holes. They all enjoyed using hacksaws and hand drills to complete this – we have been very impressed with how sensibly and skilfully they tackled this. Our literacy topic has also been linked to WW1. We have read the book ‘War Game’ by Michael Foreman, discussing the experiences of the boys signing up for war at that time. We are now writing diary entries in role as the soldiers in the story and we have been really impressed by the figurative language ideas the children are coming up with.

Success all round in sports

Swimming has continued to be a success, with lots of children getting certificates already! We are also really enjoying our weekly cricket session with Chance to Shine. So far we have completed lots of challenges that have really tested our throwing, catching and batting skills – the children did not give up with this and pushed themselves to complete a real challenge for them.

Year 5 excel in maths and science

Maths has seen us return to fraction work, focusing on multiplication and division. The children’s prior learning has really shone through in this topic. The children’s maths skills are also being tested in our science topic this term, where the focus is planning and carrying out a fair test.

Care for Care Homes – Intergenerational Relationships

We were delighted to have some of the residents from The Ridings’ Care Home joined us for an afternoon of creativity and afternoon tea!

Residents and staff were invited to join some of our Year 6 pupils at Dashwood for an afternoon of scones and tea whilst collaborating on some lovely art pieces together. There was canvas painting, colouring and biscuit decorating as well as lots of chatter and laughter. It was so lovely to see the different generations talking and sharing some creative time together. The residents were delighted to take their painted canvas back to their home to hang on their wall! We look forward to their next visit and our planned visits to the Ridings very soon!

Where next

Term 4

We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 4…

Term 4

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