We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 5 in and out of the classroom and for useful information for Ash and Silver Birch classes.

Year 3 have worked so hard during their water safety topic this term. They behaved sensibly during our canalside walk and were able to point out potential dangers as well as looking for lots of ways to stay safe when near water. After looking at the main parts of a river as well as how water pollution can be caused, the children identified ways to help care for water sources from within their own homes. For example, by turning off taps and being careful what goes down our drains.

Finally, the children wrote about the dangers of water and gave their top three water safety tips to younger children in the school. They shared their ideas confidently and even spoke about other things they have learnt throughout the unit of learning.

Year 3 have been super scientists this term and have been planning and conducting experiments to understand how light can be reflected and how shadows are formed. They took turns in teams to work out which materials would reflect most to add to their design of a book bag.

Shadow puppets have also made the stage, when pupils have enjoyed creating and presenting their shadow puppets to the rest of their class and using torches to add drama to their Puppet Show.


Celebrating earth day

In addition, Year 3 had some exciting and very generous visitors from Keter to celebrate Earth Day and discussed why recycling correctly is so important. We also considered job and employability requirements and how children could develop their skills, communication and time keeping.

We were all delighted and said a big thank you to Keter for donating their time, lunch boxes and a reusable bags.


Where next

Term 4

We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 4…

Term 4

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