Talk for Writing

Dashwood Banbury Academy

Dashwood is a very culturally and ethnically diverse two form entry academy in the town of Banbury, North Oxfordshire, with a nursery provision. We are above national average for FSM and have approximately 50% of our children from a range of ethnic backgrounds. This percentage is increasing as Banbury continues to be a popular location for migrant workers.

Oxfordshire is one of the poorer performing counties for writing and Banbury schools in particular, along with Oxford City, has poor outcomes for writing. However, Dashwood was judged ‘good’ by OFSTED in January 2014 with the quality of our writing highlighted in the report.

All groups of pupils throughout the school make good progress, particularly in literacy and numeracy. Attainment is above average by the end of Year 2 and by the time they leave Year 6. Writing is a particular strength.
(Ofsted January 2014)

The level 4 and 5 outcomes at the end of Year 6 have risen from 9% level 4 and 0% level 5 in 2008 to 88% level 4 and 46% level 5 in 2014. In terms of value added progress for writing we are ranked in the 2nd percentile nationally. The transformation of attitudes to literacy has been a key factor in the journey from special measures to this ranking of the top 2% nationally. Talk for Writing has transformed writing across the school from Nursery to Year 6. The children have gone from reluctant, groaning writers to confident storytellers and authors.

The Talk for Writing teaching and learning strategies have become embedded over time at Dashwood through a commitment to staff training both in-house and with Pie Corbett and Julia Strong. As a result teacher confidence has grown throughout the school and consequently attainment has risen along with pupil enthusiasm and engagement. This teacher confidence is now underpinned by well-structured, whole school planning that ensures both quality and coverage. Progression is guaranteed by an evolving bank of model texts that stretches from Nursery to Year 6.

Dashwood Banbury Academy offers a range of professional development opportunities and training for different stages of the Talk for Writing journey:

  • Model lessons to show the Imitation, Innovation and Invention stages in EYFS; KS1 and KS2
  • Guided teaching to show clear differentiation and challenge in KS2
  • Talk for Writing across the curriculum in both fiction and non-fiction texts
  • Leadership of Talk for Writing
  • Progression of model texts from Nursery to Year 6
  • Effective Marking and Feedback in practice and policy
  • The use of peer collaboration to foster independent learners within and across year groups
  • Whole school literacy map that ensures both coverage and progression

Our training is aimed at primary school Headteachers; SLT; subject co-ordinators; teachers; teaching assistants. We welcome individuals, groups or staff teams; anyone that wants to transform writing in their school, at whatever stage!

Training dates for 2021-22 to be confirmed.

Please download the Talk for Writing Booking Form to book one of the dates and return by email to:   Alternatively, we can arrange tailored training packages to meet your needs, again please email:


Where next

Training Dates and How to Book

Training dates for 2021-22 to be confirmed.   Talk for Writing Training Dates and how to book Get it Going – Full Day – £100…

Training Dates and How to Book

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