Sports Premium
Sports Premium 2022-23
Dashwood Banbury Academy Sports Premium funding
Vision for the Primary PE and Sports Premium
All pupils to leave Dashwood Banbury Academy physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
At Dashwood Banbury Academy we understand that play, sport and physical activity hold the key to not only our pupils’ well-being in the physical sense, but also in terms of their mental health. We are aware that living in the 21st century, our pupils often struggle with their mental health whilst contending with the pressures of social media, test stress and shifts in personal relationships. In addition, the Youth Sports Trust (2019) stated that ‘one in five children are now classed as obese by the time they leave primary school’. In response to the Government’s new obesity strategy (2021) to get the nation fit and healthy, protect themselves against COVID-19 and protect the NHS, The Youth Sports Trust stated that ‘an active lifestyle nurtured from childhood will help young people grow up healthier, happier and more likely to fulfil their potential’. Our key priority is to support our pupils to discover for themselves the joy of movement and activity; to use sport’s transformative power to benefit every pupils’ health and wellbeing now, and preparing them for their future.
Dashwood Banbury Academy understands that the PE and School Sport Premium funding must be used to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport or to develop or add to the PE and sport activities that we, as a school, already offer. We are passionate about providing our pupils with opportunities that go beyond academic and support them in the discovery and development of new interests and talents. We are passionate about developing each child’s individual character; confidence; resilience; independence; and their physical and mental health.
We have sought guidance from the Youth Sport Trust as to how we can utilise the 2022/2023 School Sports Premium funding to further support the needs of our staff and pupils in a sustainable, whole school approach where everyone plays a contributing role. Our intention is to develop and add to the PE, physical activity and sport activities, building our capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years.
For this academic year (2023/2024) we aim to make improvements that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years by maximising the sustained impact of the premium by:
- using qualified sports coaches to work with and mentor teachers to ensure the delivery of a broad and high-quality PE curriculum
- through our North Oxfordshire School Sports Partnership affiliation, provide existing staff with training or resources to help them teach PE and school sport more effectively.
- through our North Oxfordshire School Sports Partnership affiliation, attend 100% of Level 2 competitions, festival competitions and Change4Life opportunities
- introduce new sports or activities in our after school club offer and encourage more pupils to take up sport at a local community club
- make improved links to community clubs to increase the number of pupils, and their families, remaining active outside of the school day and increase pupils’ opportunity to develop their talents and interests. We endeavour to offer a wide-range of opportunities beyond the expected that use sport and physical activity to develop our pupils’ exemplary character
- encourage family engagement and understanding; and community and social bonding between participating families through innovative programmes – Chance2Shine Cricket and the You Move initiative. Develop community links and signpost children to community clubs through after school opportunities and Level 2 competition
- extend the offer of physical activity at our Dashwood Banbury Academy through Opening School Facilities; welcoming children from our local community
- support and involve disadvantaged pupils in at least one extra-curricular sporting club in the academic year
- run sport competitions – run Level 1 Intra-Aspiration Family and Inter-Year group competitions for ALL
- increase pupils’ participation in the School Games– Silver School Games mark received for Silver 2022/2023
In response to The Childhood Obesity Plan (August 2016), Dashwood Banbury Academy are committed to finding solutions that help ensure that our young people are moving their bodies. The report states that nearly a third of children aged 2-15 are overweight or obese. Dashwood Banbury Academy understands that tackling childhood obesity requires us to take action. At Dashwood, we are committed to ensuring that our pupils participate in at least 30 minutes active curriculum time outside of their 2 hours of Physical Education and weekly swimming lessons (KS2). The 30 minutes daily exercise, during curriculum learning time is made up of a range of activities that are designed to reduce sedentary behaviour and increase physical activity in our young people: The Daily Mile, Go Noodle, Super Movers; NHS ‘Train Like A Jedi’ and Active Maths. Healthy lunchbox advice is available to all parents and carers along with healthy eating sessions for our pupils through their science sessions. Standing desks in KS2 classrooms allow pupils to reduce sedentary time in class.
The PE Lead has developed a deep understanding of how to ensure all our pupils at Dashwood Banbury Academy leave us for secondary school as physically literate young people. Through CPD with the North Oxfordshire School Sports Partnership and working on projects with the Youth Sports Trust, Dashwood is providing a PE curriculum, School Sport and extra-curricular opportunities for all through physical literacy. This approach motivates pupils and gives them the confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding that provides our children with the movement foundation for a lifelong participation in physical activity.
For more information, and to view the full report, please click here.
This full document reports on:
- Impact review of previous academic year 2022/2023
- Dashwood Banbury Academy Sports Premium Action Plan/Vision for 2023/2024