Key Stage 2 Curriculum
As the pupils take their exciting leap from Key Stage 1 into Key Stage 2, we ensure that their transition is smooth and supportive. Throughout their learning journey from year 3 to 6, we build on the skills, which our pupils acquired in Key Stage 1, through a stimulating, challenging and creative curriculum where pupils are encouraged and supported to take risks to ensure they are extending and experimenting with ideas they may have or that they wish to develop.
Within each lesson, pupils are expected to develop their independent learning skills as well as support and work with their peers on collaborative tasks. Our lessons are focused on the essential 11 skills for success in the 21st century which include: resilience; collaboration; creative and adaptive thinking (innovation) and sense making. Project-based learning ensures our pupils acquire new strategies so as to independently, and collaboratively, research, plan, analyse and evaluate as they create an outcome. Our curriculum creatively scaffolds the pupils’ learning to ensure there is clear progression. Reflection is a key stage in our learning cycle where we revisit prior learning to ensure that pupils are embedding their learning into their long-term memory. Our topics and learning questions encourage the children to ask their own question to deepen their understanding; becoming curious learners who have a thirst for knowing more.
Our Key Stage 2 curriculum has been carefully planned to ensure that pupils develop particular skills and knowledge that is purposeful to them in the world that they are growing up in and in the locality of their community. We recognise the importance of learning that is meaningful to our pupils, such as issues affecting the local area and by creating careers links with local business; showing the opportunities that are available to them in their future. The British Values and social, moral, spiritual and cultural themes are woven through all of the pupils learning; supporting them to be tolerant citizens who live in their community with mutual respect for others.
Of high importance, and at the forefront of our curriculum, is our pupils’ physical and mental wellbeing. Through daily mindfulness sessions, PSHE lessons (including safety online and off), active learning and Physical Education and School Sport, we strive to ensure that all pupils have strategies and resources to best care for their own mental and physical health now, and in the future. This is supported by our Zones of Regulation behaviour system where pupils learn how to self-regulate their emotions, and our Wellness Curriculum which is designed to allow pupils to explore different strategies to add to their own toolkit of life skills.
Our Key Stage 2 curriculum plans for the academic year:
Year 3 Curriculum Plan 2023- 2024
Year 4 Curriculum Plan 2023- 2024