Behaviour Support

Welcome to our parental page for behaviour support. At Dashwood Banbury Academy we believe that all behaviour is a form of communication and treat it as so. We acknowledge how others are feeling and aim to build a positive mind-set in order to tackle problems head on.  At the core of what we believe stands our vision and values.

Emotions are a part of everyday life and self-regulation is the key to being able to realise and live by our vision and values.  Self-regulation is tricky for adults at the best of times and even more so for children. When emotions are strong (there are no negative emotions) it becomes even harder to control.

We use a system created to develop language around emotions and support mental and emotional well-being which is based on the ‘Zones of Regulation’. We understand that a consistent approach to supporting behaviour is essential and aim to support parents and carers to create a support network for our pupils at Dashwood through behaviour support sessions for our families. Here is the link to our latest delivered session:

Behaviour Support Session – December 2023

Parent Behaviour Support Calendar for 2024

Parent session for supporting with understanding needs behind behaviour and emotional regulation with tips for a positive summer break:

Flyer-Dashwood Parent Session-July 2024

The School In-Reach team is holding several webinars for parents over the coming year. These awareness sessions contain useful information about how to support your child with some of the commonly seen emotional and mental health concerns.

For a list of webinars that may be of use and how to sign up to them, please visit
Oxford Health NHS UK

Here are some key ones that are coming up:

Communication and coping in social situations

Date: Thursday 7 March 2024
Time: 6.00 – 7.30pm

Attention and movement differences in children and young people

Date: Thursday 23 May 2024
Time: 6.00 – 7.30pm

Promoting resilience

Date: Thursday 25 April 2024
Time: 6.00 – 7.30pm

Understanding childhood anxiety

Date: Thursday 27 June 2024
Time: 6.00 – 7.30pm

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