We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 4 in and out of the classroom and for useful information for Beech and Sycamore classes.

Year 5 Learn about our solar system

Over the past couple of weeks we have been continuing to enjoy our topic about space. Our learning has been focusing on the Moon and how the planets move. We have ended our topic creating a Solar System Simulation through Scratch – a coding programme. The children had to write the code to ensure their planets moved accurately, fixing any bugs they encountered. 

In writing, we have been using our knowledge of the Sun to write a non-chronological report. It has really shown the scientific knowledge the children have learnt, as well as the writing skills we have been learning about. We have especially focused on adding detail using commas, dashes and brackets. 

Maths has seen us learning how to multiply up to 3 digits by 2 digits – some of us prefer the area model method, others the grid method.

Where next

Term 3

We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 3…

Term 3

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