We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 4 in and out of the classroom and for useful information for Plum class.

Plum class in Term 4

Plum class have continued with their farm topic, learning new vocabulary for the names of baby animals and then seeing them in real life on their farm trip. The pupils have particularly enjoyed crafting animal puppets and using them in a puppet theatre to tell creative and imaginative stories. They have had a big focus on counting and learning numbers.

Recognising numerals in the environment and practising to count accurately.


Plum on the farm

Plum class recently visited Warriner Farm.

They had a wonderful time meeting different farm animals and learning about how to look after them.

Some highlights included feeding the goats, stroking the lambs and seeing a huge tractor! There were plenty of baby animals too, some less than a day old.

It was also very exciting going to and from the farm on a big coach for the first time.

Where next

Term 3

We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 3…

Term 3

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