We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 5 in and out of the classroom and for useful information for Aspen and Rowan classes.

Building on our wonderful trip to Cadbury World, Year 4 have been using the knowledge gained from this experience to design a chocolate bar based on market research conducted with Year 2 students.

We used this data to create our own unique chocolate bars, which we plan to refine after half term for Enterprise.

Musical skills

Aspen Class have had the exciting opportunity to learn how to play clarinettes. So far, they have learnt how to build the instrument and play basic notes.

Rowan Class have showcases the musical skills that they have been developing over the past ten weeks. With the enthusiastic guidance of Mr Spiers, Rowan Class gave an excellent performance which included a range of different pieces.

Budding chocolatiers

What an amazing start to the term! The highlight has definitely been our trip to Cadbury World. Everyone who went had a wonderful time learning about the chocolate making process. This linked brilliantly to our Literacy unit, where we have authored persuasive adverts selling chocolate bars of our own design.

Whilst at Cadbury World, we also engaged with chocolatiers to brainstorm ideas for our upcoming design and technology unit, where we will conduct market research to design and create our own brands of chocolate!




Where next

Term 4

We will be publishing what we are learning during each term throughout the year. Watch this space to see what is happening in Term 4…

Term 4

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